Well weigh in for me was Friday morning, as my Thursday night meeting was closed for New Years day, and whilst I have really stepped up my exercise over the last two weeks, I refused to deny myself anything I wanted over Christmas and New Year. It was all about the portion size. I allowed myself a small piece of pudding with custard and 1 mince pie and enjoyed a lovely vegetarian pasta when we went out for dinner on New Years Eve. So when I weighed in Friday morning and lost 1.2kg I was extremely happy. This loss if for the last two weeks as our meeting was closed the week before also, for Christmas Day. This puts me at 86.6kg with a total loss of 33.1 and only 11.6kg to go. For the first time EVER I now officially weigh less than my husband!
The last two weeks have been busy spending time with the girls and sale shopping! Chloe talked me into buying a lovely white dress from Wombat, which I'm really glad she did, and it was great to buy the next size down for work pants and shirts. This means that what used to be a size 24/26 is now an even 14.
On the exercise front I am surprising myself with how much I am enjoying challenging myself. I am trying new walks with very steep hills and walking for much longer. Two new walk have the following stats:
walk 1 - 9500 steps, takes 1 hour 12 mins and burns 595 calories
walk 2 - 11500 steps, takes 1 hour 20 mins and burns 677 calories.
On a personal front I am very anxious and excited to be returning to the Riverland for a holiday on the weekend. I will be seeing my two best friends, whom I haven't seen since last Christmas when I was 33kg heavier, and I haven't told either of them I have been losing weight this year. I think they will be surprised!
More news in a few more days